Vaping & Substance Response
School Response and Supports
- 2023 Legislation Increases Required Discipline Consequences for Vapes at School: The 2023 Legislative Session resulted in several new laws that require changes in how school districts operate. One of these changes comes from House Bill 114, which addresses student offenses relating to vapes, THC, and marijuana. With the new law, students possessing or using vaping devices or vaping accessories on school premises or during school-related activities and events will result in a mandatory Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) placement. This new law requires WISD to make the DAEP placement regardless of whether the vape contains THC/marijuana or not. WISD encourages our parents to have a conversation with your student(s) to ensure that these items are not brought onto campus.
- Students assigned DAEP for substances:
- Students complete the TruthInitiative lessons put out by EverFI during their DAEP assignment.
- Parents/guardians receive the Dell TCHATT-ASUD information & contact info at DAEP intake (see below for more info on this no cost program)
- All Students assigned DAEP for any reason have the opportunity for regular individual meetings with a Licensed Mental Health Professional funded by a Mental Health Grant.
- WHS Wellness Center support: All students have access to the WHS Wellness Center and all of the resources associated. Students can be connected to Mental Health support via the Wellness Center. Those supports include, but are not limited to, recognition of a substance abuse issue and referrals to outside agencies.
- Campus Nurse Support: If your student is working with their healthcare provider on cessation, the school nurses are available to partner with the student’s medically advised plan.
- Dell TCHATT--ASUD referral: An initiative of the Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium, the Texas Child Health Access through Telemedicine ASUD initiative provides no-cost appointments to youth who need help with risky or unhealthy use of substances. TCHATT-ASUD offers an evidence-based, comprehensive approach to address mental health and substance use concerns with support of an integrated health care plan, which emphasizes family and community involvement. This is a specific, focused, highly confidential and virtual acute clinical support available to WISD students who are using substances and seeking help. This is the only outside agency providing specific substance abuse support within the WISD Comprehensive School Counseling Program currently. Other outside agencies are by referral only. Click the links below to view the TCHATT-ASUD Program Overview Flyer:
- Primary and Elementary Prevention Lessons: a focus on Refusal Skills via
- Catch my Breath Curriculum in Elementary, JH and High Schools
- Vaping Prevention Lessons as a part of TEXAN WEEK 2023 at WHS
- WISD Staff complete health training that includes recognizing signs of OD and use of NARCAN
Community Response & Supports (not provided on campus)
- Call 911 in an emergency.
- Local Emergency rooms for immediate evaluation and specific available resources.
- Visit for more information and training regarding use of Narcan in response to overdose. Visit to request a single use Narcan delivery.
- More over-the-counter Narcan info at
- provides helpful information for people who are dealing with substance use issues — and their family members, friends, and co-workers — including a searchable database vetted by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) available in Texas:
treatment/rehab-centers/texas/ san-marcos - Your Campus Counselor or WHS Wellness Center Coordinator can provide a mental health referral list via email.
- For a list of telehealth referral options, click here.
Parenting guidance resources related to substances
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) suggests talking to your children about drugs and alcohol abuse before they are old enough to be in situations they might have access to unhealthy substances. SAMHSA has helpful guidance resources for parents and caregivers on their website.
The Partnership to End Addiction offers guidance to parents who suspect their child might be using substances.
SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357) (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service), or TTY: 1-800-487-4889 is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Also visit the online treatment locator, or send your zip code via text message: 435748 (HELP4U) to find help near you. Read more about the HELP4U text messaging service.