At Wimberley ISD, we prioritize the safety of all students, staff, and visitors. Our district and campus safety procedures include:
All schools and the district have emergency plans that are consistently reviewed and updated.
All campuses conduct regular drills for various scenarios, including fire drills, shelter drills, and lockdown drills.
The district conducts a comprehensive safety assessment every three years and implements recommendations as needed.
The district works closely with local emergency response agencies in planning and training.
District personnel, including substitute teachers, are trained in emergency response protocols.
Campuses utilize Raptor Campus Check-In Procedures: To receive a visitor’s badge, all campus visitors must show a driver's license, which is cross-checked with a national sex-offender registry, as shown in this video here.
Campus volunteers who will be working in classrooms are required to have a background check and receive district-provided campus safety training.
Campus visitors must enter through designated main doors. All other doors are locked during the school day.
All schools and buses have security cameras positioned in key areas.
Each campus has an assigned School Resource Officer.
Phone: (512) 847-2414
Christi Moeller, Director of Safety and School Initiatives