Social Media Rules of Engagement
Wimberley ISD has a district presence on three social media sites – Facebook, X, and Instagram – as well as a YouTube channel. These accounts are managed by the WISD Communications Office. The purpose of social media pages used by the district is to share information about the district, celebrate the achievements of our students and staff, and provide updates about issues and events that impact our campuses.
While comments and reactions are welcome, commenters should respect the privacy and rights of students and staff. Administrators reserve the right to remove posts that violate the privacy of students and/or staff or conflict with the district’s guidelines regarding Internet access and practices. A posting may be removed if it:
- Threatens physical violence or is obscene, vulgar, or sexually explicit
- Promotes illegal use of drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances
- The materials endorse actions endangering the health or safety of students or others
- The post contains untrue and potentially harmful statements about a person or identifies a specific person in a defamatory, abusive, or negative way, or violates a person’s privacy
- Violates the law or encourages others to do so or advocates imminent lawlessness or disruptive action and is likely to incite or produce such action
- Violates the intellectual property rights of another person or entity
- Contains hate speech or similar language that offensively attacks any group, including racist, homophobic, sexist, obscene or sexually explicit remarks
- Violates federal or state law or any Board policies regarding the protection of employee or student privacy or the confidentiality of employee or student records
- Is for fundraising activities and are from a group not affiliated with the district, its parent-teacher organizations, or booster clubs.
- Advertises or promotes goods or services or is “spam”
- Does not relate to the topic of the original post
- Creates reasonable cause to believe that posting the information will cause material or substantial disruption or interference with school activities or the rights of others
The district’s social media platforms exist for the purpose of sharing information with the public, and are not the best venues for individuals to report concerns to or seek information from the district. Questions, requests for information, and reports of concern should be directed to campus or district administrators so that they can be addressed more efficiently.
Wimberley ISD is not responsible for user-generated content and the opinions expressed in that content do not necessarily reflect those of the district or its employees.
To report an inappropriate comment, please call the WISD at 512.847.2414.
The WISD Rules of Engagement will be updated over time as the use of social media evolves.