Meet the Trustees
Phone: (512) 754-4985
Term: Trustee From: November 16, 2018 until November 2, 2027
Rob Campbell, President, Place 3
Elected in 2018, Dr. Rob Campbell shares the trustees' commitment to providing the optimal learning environment for local students. His fellow trustees elected him during his first term as Secretary. At the beginning of his second term (November 2021), his fellow trustees elected him President.
A 34-year resident of the Wimberley Valley, Rob is a familiar face in the Wimberley community. He earned a Master of Education in 1986 and his Doctorate in 2020 (Transformational Leadership). He served as a youth pastor and senior pastor for 37 years (27 years as founding and senior pastor of Cypress Creek Church, Wimberley).
Passing the baton of leadership at CCC in January 2020, Rob is now the Director of Development for Earth Mission Asia (, who provides quality healthcare for the remote villages in Myanmar. He is also a realtor.
Rob fully supports and is excited to help the board realize the WISD vision of Empowering and Inspiring ALL Students to Achieve Their Full Potential.
He and his wife, Susan, are parents to two daughters (both WHS graduates) and have a terrific son-in-law. Rob and Susan have four grandchildren who live in the district and attend WISD schools.
Phone: (512) 847-6826
Term: Trustee From: April 21, 2008 until November 3, 2026
Ken Strange, Vice President, Place 7
Ken moved to Wimberley in 1985, following four years of service in the United States Air Force. He joined the Wimberley Volunteer Fire Department in 1989 then joined Wimberley EMS as a volunteer in 1991. He was hired as a full-time paramedic with Wimberley EMS in 1996 and ascended to director in 2004. Ken has served on the WISD Board of Trustees since 2008.
"Service in any form is very important to me and I really enjoy taking care of the residents of our community. Serving on the board is a way for us to impact the future of our students as they follow in our footsteps to become valuable and responsible citizens."
Ken lives in Wimberley Springs with his wife Yvette and two children, Kennedy (Class of 2020) and Hallie (Class of 2021). Both former WISD students. Together, they enjoy traveling, camping and being outdoors.
Phone: 512-395-7685
Term: Trustee From: November 15, 2021 until November 5, 2027
Andrea Justus, Place 1
Andrea has lived in the Wimberley community for over 24 years and has had 5 of her 6 children attend WISD. She is married to Dan and currently owns and operates several small businesses and is a worship leader in her church. Her background is in finance, accounting and IT consulting and sales. She has a BBA in finance from The University of Texas at Austin.
Andrea is passionate about seeing the children of the Wimberley community receive the absolute best education possible. To achieve that goal, she believes we need to attract, reward and retain top caliber teachers and administrators and facilitate high levels of parental involvement, community transparency and accountability. She wants to hear from parents, students, teachers and taxpayers so we can all unite together and make Wimberley schools the absolute BEST they can be for everyone.
Term: Trustee From: November 18, 2024 until November 2, 2027
Lindsey Deringer, Place 2
Bio coming soon.
Will Conley, Place 4
Will Conley was elected to the Board on Nov. 5, 2019. He takes to heart his role, saying, “I am excited to continue the important work of supporting the best teachers and students in the state by working closely with a very dedicated team of board members,” said Conley.
“This board has opportunities to build on the innovation that enhances student success, while also embracing new ideas and strategies that are the hallmark of a WISD education,” added Conley.
Conley and his wife, Erin, have three children who attend WISD. He is a business owner and has lived in Wimberley for 12 years.
Lexi Jones, Place 6
Lexi and her husband, Mark purchased land in Wimberley in 2006 and moved from Austin shortly after in 2008. In addition to being a wife and mom, Lexi is a human resources executive. Her nearly 20-year career has largely been in fast-paced, high-growth technology firms. Today, she serves as the Chief People Officer at OfficeSpace Software, overseeing the development, implementation, and delivery of HR strategies, best practices, and services that create, support, and sustain a high performance, innovative, and entrepreneurial culture.
"The opportunity to serve WISD's Board allows me to continue my service to the community we've loved and call home. We came to Wimberley because we wanted to raise our kids in this community and in this district. I want to preserve what makes it so special for all of Wimberley's families."
Lexi serves as the Board of Trustees representative on the Wimberley Education Foundation Board. She also serves on the Vestry of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. Lexi and Mark are local small business owners and have three children: Alexa - WHS Class of 2018, Vance - WHS Class of 2022, and Maya Rose - WHS Class of 2024.