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2024 Resolution in Support of Public School Funding

Resolution in Support of Legislative Action to Increase Public School Funding 

WHEREAS the Texas Constitution, Section 7, Article 1 mandates the Texas legislature to establish and make suitable provision for an efficient system of public free schools for the preservation of democratic values. 

WHEREAS Texas legislators and the Comptroller frequently highlight Texas as the world's 9th largest economy, emphasizing the need for a well-educated workforce to sustain its economic strength. 

WHEREAS the Wimberley School District Board of Trustees believe there is a direct correlation between the Texas economy and a successful public school system, however, Texas currently ranks in the bottom 10 states in per student funding. 

WHEREAS the Wimberley School District Board of Trustees acknowledges that despite the state budget for the new biennium including approximately 4 billion additional dollars to support public education, there is no legislatively approved mechanism for public schools to receive this much needed and available funding. 

WHEREAS Wimberley ISD is a public school, comprised of approximately 360 staff members who support the learning of approximately 2700 students through diverse, high quality educational opportunities. 

WHEREAS the Wimberley ISD Board of Trustees has adopted a four-year strategic plan prioritizing empowering student excellence, supporting faculty and staff excellence, strengthening community excellence and ensuring operational excellence. 

WHEREAS The Wimberley School District Board of Trustees acknowledges in order to meet the needs of students in public schools that the Texas Legislature must take prompt action to ensure the full funding of public schools by increasing the basic allotment and establishing a mechanism for automatic, inflation-adjusted increased to the basic allotment every biennium. 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Wimberley Independent School District Board of Trustees calls on our state legislators to unite, cross the aisle, and advocate for ALL public education students. 

PASSED and APPROVED on this 18th day of March, 2024

Signed Document

First page of the PDF file: 2024ResolutiontoIncreaseSchoolFunding